Steamed Potatoes With Garlic and Parsley Butter

Ingredients10 rooster potatoes, peeled and cut into golf ball size chunks
150g butter
2 cloves of garlic, crushed
2 tbsp chopped parsley
Salt and pepper
Types of Dishes

Starters & snacks

Occasion, extravagance & level of difficulty

Simple recipes


Fast cooking

Cooking appliance

Steam oven



Type of ingredient


Temperate range


Preparation1. Steam the potatoes in a perforated tray for 23 minutes on 100% steam. Place the potatoes in a warm serving dish.
2. In a pot on the induction hob, melt the butter and add the garlic and parsley, season with salt and pepper.
3. Pour the garlicky butter over the potatoes.
TipsMiele Special Features:
• Miele Steam oven
• Miele Induction hob