Perfect Roasties

Ingredients10 rooster potatoes, peeled and cut into golf ball sized cubes
100ml plain olive oil, not extra virgin
Types of Dishes

Meat and Poultry

Occasion, extravagance & level of difficulty

Simple recipes


Cooking appliance

Steam oven



Type of ingredient



Event Recipes


Preparation1. Place the potatoes on a perforated tray and steam for 23 minutes on a 100% steam. Give the tray a shake when you take them out to rough up the edges of the potatoes.
2. Add the steamed potatoes to your roasting tin, pull out on the telescopic arms. Heat the oil in a pot on the hob and very carefully pour over the potatoes.
3. Roast the meat at 190°C to 200°C for 20 minutes until crisp, turning once.
4. Pour the oil off from the roasting tin before making your gravy with the pan juices.
TipsMiele Special Features:
• Miele Steam Oven
• Mile Fan Plus Oven
• Miele Telescopic Arms
• Miele Induction Hob